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The COLOSS task force APITOX is composed of a group of independent scientists interested in bee toxicology. It emerged from discussions held during a scientific workshop at the 2013 European Beekeeping Congress BEECOME in Louvain la Neuve, Belgium.

The initial mission of the group was to support the EFSA guidance document ‘EFSA Guidance Document on the risk assessment of plant protection products on bees’, but this has since expanded to meet growing needs. Our current mandate and procedures can be found in our statutes.


  • investigate the effects of environmental toxicants and routes of exposure of chemicals on bees
  • evaluate existing risks assessment protocols
  • identify necessary improvements to EFSA guidelines
  • identify most important EFSA guideline tests that need to be validated
  • organize international working groups for developing and ring-testing new OECD Test Guidelines
  • promote existing risk assessment protocols that are effective in protecting bees and bee colonies
  • fund raising at public level (e.g. nationally & internationally)


Are you interested in joining this COLOSS task force?

If so, please contact one of the task force co-chairs below.

Noa Simon Delso

Piotr Medrzycki



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