The Bee Nutrition Task Force (NUTRI TF) gathers independent experts in bee nutrition. This community aims at developing a multinational network that will engage in discussions and research. The NUTRI TF wants to facilitate and develop collaborations to produce synergistic scientifically-sound outputs, and aims at harmonizing and standardizing research on bee nutrition.
We address nutrition as a major driver of bee health, as well as a common Beekeeping Management Practice (for example as colony supplementary feeding). Thus, we involve multiple stakeholders (e.g. beekeepers and beekeeping associations, researchers). We approach nutrition from the perspective of beekeepers, bees, consumers, and environmental health.
The TF aims at investigating nutrition from different perspectives, including:
- Monitoring nutritional quality and contamination levels of bee food (nectar, honey, pollen, …)
- Studying the effects of nutrition on bee health
- Studying and monitoring nutrition as a Beekeeping Management Practice (supplementary feeding of colonies)
- Reviewing the current state of the art on bee nutrition
- …and more! Please feel free to contact the coordinators to propose other topics and projects!
Are you interested in this TF, and would like to join us?
Popoola joseph Adekola, Chiegele Christian Akpoke, Yahya Al Naggar, Dr. Syed Ishtiaq Anjum Anjum, Alireza Arab, Eleanor Attridge, Astrid Ballesta, Inés Marilina Basso, Marina Basualdo, Gherardo Bogo, Rachael Bonoan, Tatjana Čelić, Priyadarshini Chakrabarti, Leonidas Charistos, Robert Chlebo, Linda Connor, Raffaele Dall’Olio, Anne Dalmon, Dezmirean Daniel, Pier Paolo Danieli, Grecia Stefanía de Groot, David De Jong, Carmine DeStefano, Gennaro Di Prisco, Tobias Dittmann, Yoko L. Dupont, Silvio Erler, Andone Estonba, Soraia Falcão, Bruce Ford, Mohammad Forsi, MOREAU Franck, Alessandra Giacomelli, Marta Guarna, Fani HATJINA, Louis HAUTIER, Shelley Hoover, Zachary Huang, beqe hulaj, Paul Hurd, Martin Kamler, Ole Kilpinen, Melanie Kirby, Justinas Kretavicius, Grace Kunkel, Michael Lattorff, Natasa Lilek, Jakkrawut Maitip, Valeria Malagnini, John McLean, Igor Medici, Shewangzaw, Mekuria, Andrea Mengassini, Ming-cheng Wu Ming, Mustafa Necati muz, Kenneth Olejar, Oluwaseun Olorunfemi, ASLI ÖZKIRIM, Alexei Pace, Claudia Paşca, Fotso Kenmogne Patrick Romuald, Christian Pirk, Janez Prešern, David Quesada, Sladjan Rasic, Gina Retschnig, Clare Rittschof Rittschof, Ramesh Sagili, Leonhardt Sara, Maja Smodis Skerl, Kimberly Stoner, Vera Strogolova, Michelle Taylor, Ivana Tlak Gajger, Juraj Toporcak, Simone Tosi, Kirsten Traynor, Jutta Vollmann, Geraldine Wright, Abebe Jenberie Wubie, Liudmyla Yazlovytska
Are you interested in joining this COLOSS task force?
If so, please contact one of the task force co-chairs below.
Simone Tosi
Michel Bocquet