Personal Info
De Melo
Professional Info
Affiliation Info
University of Sao Paulo
Profile Info

I am a researcher from Brazil; graduated in Veterinary at Federal University of Goias (UFG-Jatai) - Brazil - 2004; Master degree in Food Science and Technology at Federal University of Goias (UFG-Goiania) - Brazil - 2009; and obtained the PhD in Food Science at University of Sao Paulo - Brazil - in 2015. During my PhD - I opted to study bee products not only because of their therapeutic potential - but also to encourage apiculture and - consequently - to contribute to the preservation of bees and several plants that depend on them as pollinators. I have also been investigating alternatives that contribute to sustainable development. In the last 5 years - I have collaborated on nine studies already published and one accepted for publication in peer-reviewed Journals; two book chapters; and twelve abstracts presented in scientific meetings - nine of which were published in Books of Abstracts. I am the first author of more than half of these productions. I have served as an examiner for Masters theses and graduation monographs; and I have also contributed as volunteer professor - lecturer in scientific meetings - and reviewer of eight peer-reviewed Journals. I have disseminated results in radio - TV and websites - something that I consider especially important. My research interests focus on the nutritional value and biological potential of bee products. I am looking for postdocs at research institutes - or opportunities as a research scientist. I am extremely motivated and I want to expand my horizons to other institutions of recognized excellence.


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