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University of Lausanne
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Amélie Cabirol's interests lie in the physiological bases of honey bee behaviour and its alteration by human-induced stressors.

She did her doctoral studies at the University of Toulouse (France) and at Macquarie University (Australia) in the groups of Prof. Jean-Marc Devaud and Prof. Andrew Barron. During her PhD, she described the opposite effects of environmental enrichment and stress on honey bees' brain structure and olfactory learning performance. Her first postdoctoral work in the group of Dr. Albrecht Haase at the University of Trento (Italy) focused on the impact of neonicotinoid pesticides on honey bees' brain structure and memory formation.

Amélie joined the group of Prof. Philipp Engel at the University of Lausanne in May 2020 as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow. She investigates the importance of plants flavonoid-degradation by the gut microbiota for honey bee health and resistance to pesticide.


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