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Assistant Professor
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Wildlife Research Centre
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Lubna Hassan was born in Elfasher, Sudan, in 1980. She received the B.Sc. degree in Zoology, Faculty of Science from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, in 2005, and the M.Sc. in Wildlife Science from Sudan Academy of Science in 2012 and Ph.D. degrees in Genetics and Molecular Biology from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, in 2019.

In 2007, she joined the Department of Wildlife Biology, in Wildlife Research Centre, Animal Resources Research Corporation, Federal Ministry of Resources and Fisheries, as a researcher assistant, and in 2013 became a researcher. where she participated in several studies as assistant researcher and researcher including;  Wildlife survey inside and outside protected areas all over the Sudan, guinea fowl studies, small mammal's studies, Wild bird's survey, Mainstreaming Conservation of Migratory Soaring Birds into Key Productive Sectors along the Rift Valley / Red Sea flyway in  Sudan and Wildlife conservation studies. As a researcher she published over 6 papers in national and international refereed Journals or conference proceedings and presented some papers in national and international conferences.

Since December 2014, she has been with the Department of Natural Habitats, ,in Wildlife Research Centre, Animal Resources Research Corporation, Federal Ministry of Resources and Fisheries ,where she was head department,  in 2016, she appointed a head of training and information unit ,in Wildlife Research Centre, Animal Resources Research Corporation, Federal Ministry of Resources and Fisheries.

Her current research interests in the conservation of Wild bees in Dinder Biosphere Reserve and endangered species studies using a wide range of genetic and genomic techniques to inform management and conservation of wildlife. This includes delineating populations, determining individual ancestry, and investigating the genetic basis of complex traits. Methods in molecular ecology add a layer of information that complements techniques such as field surveys. Thus, genetic information coupled with traditional ecology can form the basis of holistic management strategies that preserve long-term health of populations.

He is a Life Member of Arab Union Bee-Keeping, member of Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), member of the Sudanese Heritage Society, the Sudanese Environmental Conservation Society (SECS), member of the Sudanese Wildlife Society (SWS) and the Executive Committee of SWS.

She was the recipient of the Humboldt University-Berlin scholarship for research. Germany in 2016, awarded the Big genomic Data Lab research Prize, A&F North-West University, Yangling, China in 2017 and awarded travel Bursary Award from INTERNATIONAL SOCITY FOR ANIMAL GENETICS 2019 ISAG Conference LIeida, Spain.


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