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Brotherhood of Ukrainian Beekeepers
Profile Info


Family name: Vasylkivska
First names: Tetyana

Date of birth: May 11, 1960

Nationality: Ukraine

Civil status: Married, have two children

• 1976-1982 - Lviv Polytechnic National University – Specialization – automation of chemical technology processes. Automation Engineer.
• November 1983 – June 1988 - Lviv Polytechnic National University - Specialization 05.11.01: "Instruments and methods of measuring mechanical quantities (automation of chemical technology processes)". Full-time doctoral programme. PhD Thesis. Monograph.
• 2003-2007 - Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Economist. International Marketing Specialist
• January 2009 - Education and Research Institute of Continuing Education, National University of Life and Environmental. Sciences of Ukraine Specialist (Head). Category I. Beekeepers of Ukraine. (Practical Beekeeping).
• April 2009 - Education and Research Institute of Continuing Education, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Expert Advisor on economy, marketing, management, integrated quality management (agricultural consultancy)
• October 2018 – January 2019 - Civic School for Sound EU Practice (CiSEP). Expert of Consumer Protection and Food Safety in the AA/DCFTA.
• October – December 2019 - Estonia Marketing Institute Expert advisor of Export

• Title "Honey Queen of Apimondia 2007", Melbourne, Australia, 2007
• Order "For Merits of the Third Degree" – Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 257 as of February 24, 2010.

Language skills: Ukrainian – native; Russian – fluent; Polish – basic level; English – basic level.

Membership of professional bodies:
• Honorary Member of the International Federation of Beekeepers’ Associations “Apimondia

B-RAP, CSI Pollen, Monitoring, Nutrition, Varroa control

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