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Institute for Seed and Propagating Material, Phytosanitary Service and Apiculture
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Alexandra Ribarits joined the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) in Vienna in 2009. Her current research interests comprise genetically modified plants, molecular plant breeding, honey bees, pollen, and food security. She is in charge of project development, coordination and management, and has been involved in numerous interdisciplinary research and capacity building projects concerning food security, honey bee health, as well as food and feed safety. Prior to this position, she was a plant scientist at the University of Vienna focussing on metabolic engineering, male sterility for plant breeding and gene containment, and the molecular characterization of microspore embryogenesis-related genes. Besides research work, she was involved in lecturing activities. She has a degree in Agriculture from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, and holds a PhD in Genetics from the University of Vienna.


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