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Aleksandar Z.
Professional Info
Assistant Professor
Affiliation Info
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Profile Info

Dr Aleksandar Ž. Kostić is Assistant professor at Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, teaching in different Chemistry courses. His research area is focused on phytochemistry (with special emphasis on pollen chemistry and nutrition and bioactive compounds in plant materials), food chemistry, water chemistry, health risk assessment for human expressed through food and water consummation and polyacrylic hydrogels. Until now, he is author and co-author of more than hundred scientific papers in total (thirty four peer-reviewed articles), two university textbooks and two student handbooks. His articles have been cited more than 200 times, h-index is 9 (Google Scholar). He has reviewed more than 100 articles for top International Journals.

CSI Pollen

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