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University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture
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Prof Dr Mirjana Pesic is Associate professor at Deptartment of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, teaching in the areas of Food Biochemistry. Her research area is focused on food proteins, biochemical transformation of proteins during food processing, bioactive compounds of food, functional and techno-functional properties of food. Until now, she is author and co-author of more than 140 scientific papers in total (60 peer-reviewed articles, chapter and books), one technical solution, 1 prominent national monograph, 2 university textbooks, 2 student handbooks and 2 SRIAs. Her articles have been cited more than 630 times, h-index is 15 (Google Scholar). She is a reviewer for top International Journals such as Biomacromolecules, Food Chemistry, Food Hydrocolloids, LWT, Food Research International, Journal of Dairy Science etc. She has been participated in 14 research and networking projects, out of which 7 are international. She has been a member of organizing and scientific boards of international food and biotechnology congresses. She is founder and member of Serbian Association of Food Technologists (SAFT) and GHI Ambassador for Serbia.


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