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Extension Specialist
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Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
United States
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Dr. Kim Skyrm is the current President of the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) and the Chief Apiary Inspector for the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR). Prior to these appointments, Dr. Skyrm received a doctoral degree focused on the environmental impacts affecting bumble bees native to the Willamette Valley of Western Oregon, was a Research Scientist for Koppert Biological Systems, Inc. specializing in commercial bumble bee rearing and a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst evaluating bumble bee colonies in the cranberry agroecosystem. In addition to being a bombiculturist, Kim is also a hobby beekeeper. Dr. Skyrm has always been driven by an intense love of bees to serve in supporting roles informed by the latest scientific research. ​This is evident since “Dr Kim

B-RAP, CSI Pollen, Monitoring, Nutrition, Varroa control, Velutina, Virus

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