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USDA/ U. Florida
United States
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Kalamazoo College, Michigan. BA Chemistry 1962

U. Hawai'i Manoa, Honolulu, HI. MS PhysicalOrganic Chemistry 1966

U. Hawai'i Manoa, PhD Physical Organic Chemistry 1970

USDA Research Chemist, 1969-2006. Insects Affecting Man & Animals, Gainesville, FL 32607. Later name, Center for Man, Agricultural & Veterinary Entomology  GS-15.  Adjunct Assoc Prof, Entomology & Nematology.

Scientific career involved mostly Flies and Mosquitoes, 207 Refereed journal publications, 4 book chapters. Presentations at ESA, ACS, USDA, IAEA (Vienna work study), many other universities and colleges.

Examples: pioneering sex pheromone discoveries in many Diptera: House fly, stable fly, horn fly, face fly, tsetse fly (6 species), Drosophila melanogaster, New world screwworm fly.  Many of these involved field work doing novel sex pheromone bioassays all over the world.

Other  discoveries included "systematic families of related structures" of long chain methyl branched cuticular hydrocarbons.  Pattern recognition of these hydrocarbons allowed identification of cryptic spp., before DNA became known: mosquito spp complexes, Invasive German vs Asian cockroaches,  Most of the  Tsetse flies.  IDs of Africanized honey bees in the presence of European strains.  Descriptions of hydrocarbon patterns in cryptic bees, Yellow Rain solution. Tabanid flies species conflicts.

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