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National Institute of Technologial Agriculture
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She graduated as a Bachelor of Biological Sciences from the Universidad Nacional del Sur; she obtained her doctorate in Animal Science from the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires.

Since 1993 she works at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), at the Hilario Ascasubi Agricultural Experiment Station and she is a member of the INTA Beekeeping Program (PROAPI). In this area, she has participated and coordinated research and technology transfer projects in beekeeping, having represented INTA in scientific and technical exchanges in Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, USA, China and Thailand.

Its field of action is linked to the health and nutrition of Apis mellifera, integrated management and good beekeeping practices.

Currently he coordinates the INTA Structural Project 2019-PE-E1-I017-001 "Development of the sustainable, organized and competitive beekeeping sector" that involves aspects related to the improvement in the vitality of bees, the biodiversity of pollinators and the efficiency in the use of bees to pollinate; the characterization of the beehive products and the development of new products based on them adding value and the improvement in the beekeeping value chains based on the organization of small beekeepers with an emphasis on the quality of the processes and products.

Sustainable bee breeding

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