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Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
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I started my adventure with bees in 2003 with several bee colonies, currently, I supervise the operation of commercial apiary and city apiaries. I am a professional and technical beekeeper. In 2015, I completed my master's degree in biology with a specialization in laboratory techniques in biology, then I took up doctoral studies in the field of agricultural sciences, animal science, and fishery, which I graduated in 2019. Title of the doctoral dissertation "Assessment of physiological and behavioral changes in honey bees under the influence of electromagnetic field with a frequency of 50 Hz and variable intensity". In the same year, I started working as an assistant professor at the Department of Environmental Hygiene and Animal Welfare at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław, where I currently work. In 2017 - 2019 I worked at PORT - Polish Center for Technology Development in Wrocław as an operator of an electron microscope. He publishes scientific works in the field of bee biochemistry, the influence of external factors on bee health, and their behavior. I conduct numerous lectures, classes, and workshops for professional and amateur beekeepers. I dedicate myself to popularizing knowledge about beekeeping by working with non-governmental organizations.


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