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Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
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Agricultural Engineer and PhD in Animal Nutrition by the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain) is currently Emeritus Professor in Animal Science at the Faculty of Veterinary of the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB, Spain). Member of the Catalonian Academy of Veterinary Sciences. He did stages of research in the UK (Univ. Nottingham), France (INRA), the US (Universities of Minnesota, Wisconsin-Madison, California-Davis, Illinois-Urbana and South Dakota State University-Brookings), Saudi Arabia (King Saud University) and New Zealand (AgResearch).

Activity of research are dairy ruminant production, including physiology and nutrition, and livestock electronic identification and sensoring, where he mentored 55 PhD and MSc Thesis and published more than 350 papers and 11 patents. He conducted research cooperation and development projects, extension, and consultation with private and public organizations.

As Emeritus Professor initiated a line of research in honey bees at the UAB with interest in the use of sensors and effects of bees in the environment.

Varroa control

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