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Dirk Louis
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Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES)
Profile Info

Professional background, experience and interst in comparative animal behaviour, neuroethology, physiology and chemical ecology with frequent (but not exclusive) focus on pollinators, especially (but again not exclusively) regarding corbiculate bees. After many years in fundamental research, I am now increasingly engaging in applied ascpects as well as contributing towards a better information flow between research and all those players and stakeholders that could profit directly or indirectly from robust scientific evidence and research methodology. I consider myself as a keen, genuinly widely interested and analytical observer that constantly thrives for further improvement in understanding complex mechanisms so to contribute towards the develompent of sincere and sustainable research, thereby directly or indirectly contributing towards human society and the sustainable use of environmental resources.

Apitox, BEEBOOK, B-RAP, CSI Pollen, Monitoring, Nutrition, Small hive beetle, Survivors, Sustainable bee breeding, Varroa control, Velutina, Virus

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