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IB Sys
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I am Isabelle Garnier, beekeeper, T.S.A (Technicien Sanitaire Apicole, french diploma FNOSAD = veterinarian assistant for bees), located in France, south west Aquitaine.

In 2020, I co-founded IB Sys, start up company developping technological solutions for bees, beekeepers and biodiversity.

Our first axis is protecting hives against vespa velutina. We created HORION : a device able to detect velutina flying in front of the hive and able to neutralize it, at once,  using a laser shot.

HORION is the first solution combining :

- selectivity (no damage on biodiversity)

- efficiency

- no chemical products

- total acceptance by bees

- "plug and play" device, secure and easy for users

Our device is currently ending the research and development successfully, we are working to make it available ASAP.

#ibsys  #velutina #horion

BEEBOOK, Small hive beetle, Velutina

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