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U.S. Department of Agriculture
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I am the USDA/APHIS Technical Director for the USDA Medfly control program (Moscamed) in Guatemala.  I am an entomologist by training, though not an apiculturist.  I would like to join COLOSS to learn more about other honeybee programs to support novel honeybee monitoring and conservation initiatives in Guatemala. Outreach is important to the Moscamed program with Beekeeping support to rural communities the most important part of our outreach efforts.  We maintain a honeybee research, training, and pathology facility in SW Guatemala and have recently duplicated this facility in NW Guatemala.  Please visit the included website for detailed information about our apiculture work in Guatemala.  Honeybees here, native and introduced, are under great threat from diseases and parasites.  We are initiating collaboration with local and international researchers and institutions to improve honeybee health in Guatemala for honey production and pollination services.


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