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Universidad SEK
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My name is Patricia Aldea, I’m a veterinarian, with a master´s degree in ecology and a PhD in Agricultural Science. I worked as a researcher in the beekeeping center at the Universidad Mayor. My job there was related with the research of honeybees and beekeeping, working directly with beekeepers, the government and non-government institutions such as the private sector. Our goals were to work together to improve beekeeping and beekeeper’s lives using different tools and resources. I was also a teacher for first year students in the university's veterinarian school for many years. Now I am an independent consultant working in the same areas. I am a beekeeper and have a small business related with bees, because I find natural conservation and sustainability so important, and I also continue to work with small and emerging farmers. I also participate in public-private partnerships such as regional roundtables and the National Beekeeping Commission.

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