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Lebanese University
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Pascale is a Lab Assistant at the Lebanese University - Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences. She earned her Ph.D. degree from the University of Sassari in 2021 and graduated as an engineer (BE) from the Lebanese University in 1999. She is currently a member of the Order of Engineers and Architects of Beirut, and serves as a short-term field officer for the UNDP - Lebanon Chapter. Find below the training and workshops that Pascale participated in:

• Attended a Regional Workshop: Towards a Med for HUB. Primo evento di studio e dialogo verso lo sviluppodi un hub sulla gestione forestale sostenibile (Sassari, 8th November, 2019)
• Participated in the Seventh SISC Annual Conference (ClimRisk19 – climate risk) : impactions for ecosystem services and society, challenges, solutions) (Trento, Italy, 23rd to 25th October, 2019)
• Participated in the 1st Regional Training of Xylella Fastidiosa: Diagnosis, Control and Management Measures (Lebanon, 1st – 7th July, 2019)
• Participated in the 4th World Congress on Agroforestry in Montpellier (France, 20th to 24th May, 2019)
• Participated in the 6th Mediterranean Forest Week Event (Lebanon, 1st – 5th April, 2019)
• Participated in the 11th international Conference of the Beekeepers Union (Lebanon, 6th – 7th October, 2018)
• Participated in the workshop entitled “Politics and Legislations in the Management of Pines Forests”, organized by YMCA in collaboration with CTFC (Center of Forest Studies in Catalunya) (2011)
• Participated in the conference entitled Insemination artificielle des Reines ( in English, Artificial Insemination of the Queen Bees) organized by the Apiculture Protection and Improvement Society (APIS) and Apiculteurs sans Frontières – France in Beirut (2004)
• Participated in the conference entitled Elevage des Reines ( in English, Breeding of the Queen Bees) organized by the Apiculture Protection and Improvement Society (APIS) and Apiculteurs sans Frontières – France in Beirut (1999)
• Attended an intensive upskill course entitled Les Maladies des Abeilles ( in English, Diseases of the Bees) presented by Pr. COLIN in collaboration with APIS (14th – 16th April 1997)

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