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Personal Info
De Carolis
Professional Info
Affiliation Info
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana “M. Aleandri”, Via Appia Nuova 1411, CAP 00178, Rome, Italy
Profile Info

Work experience
Currently, I'm doing an intership at Beekeeping, bee production and pathology, IZS of the Lazio and Tuscany regions "M. Aleandri" Street Appia Nuova 1411 - 00178 Rome.
September 2nd 2020- March 1st 2021, Short Term Scholar _J1
Project "I'll be right back 2019"("Protection and development of Beekeeping” with a specific emphasis on the early and control of small hive beetles)At Honey Bee Research and Extention Lab (HBREL), University of Florida, Gainesville,FL
Published a scintifying article: "A Novel Acute Toxicity Bioassay and Field Trial to Evaluate Compouns for Small Hive Beetle Control":
Education At University Sapienza of Rome, Italy
December 2013, Master’s deegre in Eco-Biology[LM (DM 270/04) - ORDIN. 2013] (classe LM-6)
2015 - October 2018, Bachelor’s deegre in Biology
[L (DM 509/99) - ORDIN. 2002] (classe 12)

Small hive beetle, Varroa control, Virus

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