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Personal Info
Di Ruggiero
Professional Info
Laboratory Worker
Affiliation Info
Istituto zooprofilattico sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana
Profile Info

Work experiences:

Since November 2020 Biomedical laboratory technician at the Istituto zooprofilattico del Lazio e della Toscana (Rome).
I have participated in several research projects regarding the beekeeping sector, in particular:
-Study on Monitoring and Control of Aethina tumida;
-Promoting Natural Disease Resistance in Apis mellifera
-Monitoring environmental pollution using honeybees (INSIGNIA).


-Definition of a Protocol to Manage and Officially Confirm SHB Presence in Sentinel Honeybee Colonies (

-New Matrixes to Diagnose Aethina tumida Presence at Apiary Level ( )

-Updates on the Mobile Divider and Its Use in Calabria Region to Monitor and Control Aethina tumida Infestation ( )

-Molecular Detection of Acarapis woodi Using Hive Debris as Innovative and Non-Invasive Matrix ( )


I graduated in November 2019 in Biomedical laboratory techniques at “La Sapienza University" in Rieti with a score of 110 and honors.

The last year of university I performed the internship related to my experimental thesis on an in vitro study for the malignant mesothelioma treatment at the Department of Experimental Medicine at Sapienza University in Rome.

Sustainable bee breeding

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