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Centro de Investigação de Montanha - Polytechnical University of Bragança
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Miguel Vilas-Boas is a PhD in Chemistry from Porto University, Professor in Chemistry of Natural Products on the Agrarian School of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal. As a researcher in the Mountain Research Centre his goals are focused on beekeeping technology, organic beekeeping and particularly in the quality evaluation of bee products. He has coordinated thirteen national and international projects with external funding, most of them within the scope of beekeeping technology, leading to the publication of fifty five chapters and papers in international indexed journals and more than two hundred and fifty communications in national and international meetings. Currently, he is the leader of the propolis group at the International Honey Commission, member of the board of directors of the Apiceutical Research Center, Vice-President of the scientific commission on beekeeping technology and quality of APIMONDIA and the Portuguese representative in the ISO committee for bee products standardization.

Nutrition, Varroa control

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