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Alves da Silva
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University of Coimbra, Centre for Functional Ecology
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My background encompasses the fields of terrestrial ecology and landscape ecology. Motivated by the latter, my engagement with honeybees commenced approximately seven years ago, with a primary emphasis on comprehending the impact of external variables, particularly the accessibility and spatial arrangement of floral resources, on the well-being of bee colonies. I have participated in several scientific projects pertaining to these subjects that were financially supported by various European Union initiatives. These include the INTERREG (POLL-OLE-GI project), EFSA (Must-B project - data gathering for the Apis-RAM model), H2020 (B-GOOD and ECOSTACK projects), and Horizon Europe (Better-B project). My primary area of focus regarding this subject is to understand how honeybees use the landscape for foraging and how it is linked to the quality of flower resources. In addition, I am currently engaged in the examination of the underlying factors that contribute to the dispersal and dissemination of Vespa velutina, as well as assisting beekeepers in minimising the effects on their colonies. This involves active engagement through three financed projects with local and regional authorities, with the aim of implementing standardised procedures for the control of the hornet population.

CSI Pollen, Monitoring, Nutrition, Small hive beetle, Survivors, Sustainable bee breeding, Varroa control, Velutina, Virus

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