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Assistant Professor
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Forest College and Research Institute
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Possesses a strong background in academia, research and experience in handling
projects related to entrepreneurship and its training programs, particularly in the
Apiculture and Agriculture allied acticities.
Assistant Professor
11/2022 - Present Mulugu, Telangana
Currently serving as Co-principal Investigator for a project titled Custom Hiring Center,
Trainings and Seminars
Established an Integrated Beekeeping Development Centre with a budget of Rs.
520.38 lakhs
Successfully led two additional projects as Co-principal Investigator: "Establishment of
an Insect Museum at Nehru Zoological Park" (Rs. 5.90 lakhs) and providing training to
Central Armed Police Forces personnel on Scientific Beekeeping (Rs. 2.40 lakhs)
Acted as a resource person for 15 training programs under various projects

Apitox, BEEBOOK, B-RAP, CSI Pollen, Monitoring, Nutrition, Small hive beetle, Survivors

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