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Centro de Investigacion Apícola y agroambiental de Marchamalo
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The professional activity of Dr Soledad Sagastume de Andrés has been focused for more than 10 years on the molecular genetic description of the microsporidian parasite Nosema cerane in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. The results obtained during these years include the classification of genetic markers suitable for the diagnosis of bee parasites, such as ribosomal genes and single-copy genes. On the other hand, population genetic studies showed the high intragenomic variability of this organism, in addition to the heterogeneous nature of each spore isolate.
Currently, my work focuses on the study of the adaptation of different subspecies of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) to different Mediterranean climatic environments, as well as their potential for resistance and resilience to climate change. This includes experimental studies with bees and molecular studies (both genetic and enzymatic).

Apitox, CSI Pollen, Monitoring, Nutrition, Varroa control, Virus

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