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-Providing training to representatives of 100 beekeeping cooperatives (reaching approximately 50,000 beekeepers) in three locations, and developing extension strategies for a commercial honey trade in 14 years in collaboration with FAO, World vision, AU IBAR, REDO, ARDI and other stakeholders. -Providing technical support on supply systems and quality assurance for locally produced beehives and elaboration of beekeeping standards in collaboration with Rwanda Standards Board. -Participating in the elaboration of Rwanda Beekeeping strategy 2022 – 2032 in collaboration with ICD, -Focal point of AU IBAR in bee health for 3 years and president of Rwanda multi-stakeholders platform for one year.
-Participating in developing curricula, establishing beekeeping training programs in secondary schools and training sector-technicians (beekeepers, food processors and extensionists) in collaboration with University of Rwanda and some secondary schools. -Participating in the need assessment of beekeeping value chain with FAO -Participating in developing national apiculture policy, promoting the sector, networking and strengthening stakeholder representation in collaboration of staffs from the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources. -Undertaking field research to record indigenous beekeeping knowledge and traditional and contemporary beekeeping systems in Eastern province. -Scoping, planning, designing and budgeting projects for bilateral and multilateral funding opportunities; and establishing, delivering and reporting projects in collaboration with different stakeholders in beekeeping