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Personal Info
Ben Abdelkader
Professional Info
Affiliation Info
National Agricultural Institute of Tunisia (INAT)
Profile Info

I completed a Masters degree in biological and integrated agriculture. The work carried out in the context of my masters degree focused on the control of varroa destructor by organic acids and essential oils. In 2015 I obtained my PhD in plant prtection from the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia. The subject of my thesis focused on the effects of pesticides in vivo and in vitro on the quality of drone semen. This research was carried out in collaboration with the Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology-INRA Avignon. From 2015 until now I am an Expert in the Mediterranean co-operation project co-financed by the European Union includes the Mediterranean countries: Lebanon Morocco Tunisia Algeria Palestinian Territories Italy. The main objectives of this project are to support beekeeping and its strategic role in the conservation of biodiversity the improvement of food security and socio-economic development. Since 2016 I teach the Apiculture module at the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia.


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