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Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie
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Professional experience Occupation or position held • DVM • Diplomate ECVP - 1998 (confirmed until 2017) • Executive Master for management of health authorities (EMMAS V) - Bocconi University 2006 • Veterinary manager (permanent position) Primary duties and responsibilities Head of Experimental Veterinary Sciences Division Head of Diagnostic Services Histopathology and Parasitology Dept. Head of National Reference Laboratory for beekeeping Diagnosis and control of honey bee diseases - environment monitoring and legislation; histopathology diagnosis of diseases of domestic - wild and laboratory animals - through the application and development of histological - histochemical and immunohistochemical methods; neoplastic pathology and TSEs; laboratory animal husbandry and welfare. Involvement in previous research projects project founded by the Italian Ministry of Health: RC IZS VE 20/09 Development of a biomonitoring system based on different biomarkers and evaluation of possible impact on public health RC IZS VE19/10 Evaluation and optimization procedure of the sylvatic rabies control measures in Veneto region RC IZSVE 07/11 Determination of natural toxins and residues of new veterinary drugs in honey RC IZSVE 00/13 Analysis of veterinary drug residues by multiclass-multiresidues approach: a new tool for the future food safety control? participation to research projects founded by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture: Apenet: monitoring and research in beekeeping - 2009-2010 Beenet: beekeeping and agriculture network - 2011-2014 participation to research projects founded by the Italian Ministry of Environment: Monitoring of colony losses in Italian natural reserves International projects (including financing body) EPIZONE - Network of excellence for epizootic disease diagnosis and control - Priority 5: Food quality and safety. EC Contract: FP6-2004-Food-3 - EFSA Call Bee Mortality and Bee Surveillance in Europe - CFP/EFSA/AMU/2008/02; COST ACTION FA0803 “Prevention of honeybee colony losses - COLOSS” (Management Committee member) - 2008-2012; EUROSTARS Project E5928 - Optimizing a novel - safe and efficient RNA Interference protection strategy for honeybee Nosema disease (NOLESSBEES) DISCONTOOLS (Honey bee diseases - varroosis)


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