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Palacky University
Czech Republic
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The research areas are in general honey bee pathology and health. The research is focused on honey bee humoral immunity especially antimicrobial peptides their detection quantification and research of their biological activity. Employed proteomic methods are peptide purification liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry or immunochemical methods (MALDI-TOF nanoLC-MS SDS-PAGE followed by Wester blotting). The proteomic research is connected with studies on gene expression of antimicrobial peptides (PCR and qPCR) or on enzyme activity (mainly antioxidant enzymes). Moreover the research is connected to practical beekeeping (farming with approx. 60 colonies) and all the research activities are linked to practical impact. He is the national coordinator for the Czech Republic for the core project – COLOSS Monitoring of Honey Bee Colony Losses since 2014.


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