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Research Institute of Horticulture
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Master-engineer of Zootechnics (1982) specialist for the bee diseases (1989)- Bee Diseases Post-graduate Studies Doctor of Horticultural Sciences (2000) after habilitation associate professror IO (2012). Research interests: Honey bee breeding Honey bee queens quality Insemination of bee queens Bee Bio-diversity Bee pathology and dy-namics of varroa population development. I was a ccoordinator and sub-coordinator of the In-ternational projects realized in COST Action FA0803 Prevention of honeybee colony losses - „Vitality estimation of bees bred in Poland and Europe” and „Effect of genetic variability of worker bees on colony vitality. Lecturer of bee breeding issues honey bee queens rearing and queens’ insemination in Poland and at international beekeeper meetings. SI am a Member of the Scientific Council of the Research Institute of Horticulture in Skierniewice Member of the Polish Bee Research Association I was a Member of Management Committee Cost Action FA0803


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