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Marie Pierre
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French Agency for Food and Environment (ANSES)
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Graduated in Biology and Ecology Dr. Marie-Pierre Chauzat is the deputy Head of the European Reference Laboratory for honeybee health since April 2011. Since 2002 Dr Chauzat has been studying the ecotoxicology of the honeybee in the Honeybee Pathology Unit at Anses Sophia Antipolis France. The laboratory of Anses Sophia Antipolis is also the OIE Reference Laboratory for Bee diseases. After fifteen years of experience in bee pathologies she has gained extensive knowledge and experience in bee disease control and diagnostics and specifically in field surveys. She was in charge of the EPILOBEE project the first active surveillance program on honeybee colony mortality rates in Europe. She is a member of the ‘honey bee group of the EU Commission for the importation of beehive products’ (DG SANTE) and a member of the scientific committee of ITSAP the French scientific and technical apiculture institute. She has published 30 scientific papers in international journals and shares information with beekeepers through public conferences and publications for the general public. She is reviewer for several scientific journals


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