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European Medicines Agency, EMA
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I'm a veterinarian by qualification with a strong background in regulatory, pre-clinical and clinical research on veterinary medicinal products. Since 2021 I work as scientific officer at European Medicines Agency, where as a member of the veterinary pharmaceuticals service and the safety team I'm responsible for procedures and topics relating marketing authorisation applications and the establishment of maximum residue limits. Previously, I worked in the Spanish Medicines Agency (AEMPS) as an efficacy assessor, taking responsibility in the assessment of centralised, decentralised and national procedures among others. My scientific expertise was acquired at the Complutense University, where as a member of the Animal Health Department I focused my research in parasitology and parasitic diseases of honeybees, horses and small animals. I also took responsibility in the pre-clinical and clinical development of antiparasitic compounds, and the design, assessment and reporting of GCP and non-GCP field studies.

BEEBOOK, Varroa control

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