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Assistant Professor
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University of Kordofan
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PostDoc. DAAD-Short Term Research Scholarship for ClimapAfrica Scholarship Holders, 2022, LIB-Institute of Bee Research, 16540 Berlin, Germany.

PostDoc. DAAD-Climate Research for Alumni and Postdocs in Africa, 2021, Social Insects Research Group (SIRG), University of Pretoria, Hatfield, 0083, Republic of South Africa.

Ph.D. ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110012, India, ICAR-International Fellowship Program 2013.

M.Sc. CSK Himachal Pradesh Agriculture University, Palampur 1762 60 India, Indo-Africa Capacity Building Scholarships 2010.

B.Sc. (Hons.) University of Kordofan, Faculty of Natural Resources & Environmental Studies, Department of Plant Protection Science, Al Ubyyid P. O. Box 160 Sudan.

BEEBOOK, B-RAP, CSI Pollen, Monitoring, Nutrition, Small hive beetle, Survivors, Sustainable bee breeding, Varroa control, Virus

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