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University of Maryland
United States
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Nathalie is a post-doctoral researcher in Dennis vanEngelsdorp's lab at University of Maryland Department of Entomology. She graduated with a PhD in Entomology from UMD as well as a M.S. in Biological Sciences from Universite Libre de Bruxelles Belgium and a M.Res. in Ecology Evolution and Conservation from Imperial College London UK. During her PhD she worked on applying epidemiological approaches to honey bee health and identifying best management practices associated with reduced colony mortality. As part of the Bee Informed Partnership (BIP) Nathalie has been primarily responsible for organizing and leading the effort of the analyses of the National Honey Bee Colony Loss and Management Surveys during her PhD years. She has collaborated in the publishing of the Loss Survey results in peer-reviewed journals and presented her research in numerous scientific meetings and extension events. She is currently continuing her work in data analytics of honey bee health survey data with the Bee Informed Partnership.


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