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Apimondia webinar on Invasive species in Europe- March 26th 2024, 15:00 CET

Date: March 26th 2024, 15:00 CET Registration*: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88478992358?pwd=OWRXSW5vWkwrVHoydENOWEZ6a2dzZz09 *Participation in the webinar is free for everyone who registers using the link above. When it comes to the invasive species in beekeeping, and if we exclude the Varroa mite which has invaded Europe long time ago, our mind focuses to small hive beetle, the yellow leg…

Virtual participation in 47th APIMONDIA Congress

47th Apimondia Congress in Istanbul, Turkey. Let’s celebrate the 125th Anniversary of Apimondia Congresses between 24-28 August! Participants from 98 different countries registered to our Congress until today! That’s why an Apimondia Congress is “World’s largest gathering place for Beekeeping”. We are looking forward to broadcast World’s largest gathering event, the 47th Apimondia Congress online.…

47th APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress

APIMONDIA federation is inviting all scientists and beekeepers to join 47th APIMONDIA International Apicultural Congress, which is going to be held in Turkey- Istanbul between 24 and  28 August 2022, after cancelling the original organization in Ufa. This time the organizer is the APIMODNIA Federation itself. These past two years have been challenging, first with…


An APIMONDIA International online symposium entitled “Global Trends in Beekeeping” is being organised  in September  2021, on 20th and 21st, in collaboration with the Russian beekeepers’ association as  a  preview of next year’s APIMONDIA’s congress in Ufa. The  programme  of  the  symposium  includes  Russian  and  international  speakers  covering  several subjects that you can consult on…