Haddad, N. J., Adjlane, N., Saini, D., Menon, A., Krishnamurthy, V., Jonklaas, D., … & Horth, L. (2018). Whole
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Haddad, N. J., Adjlane, N., Saini, D., Menon, A., Krishnamurthy, V., Jonklaas, D., … & Horth, L. (2018). Whole
Adjlane, N., Doumandji, S.E., Nizar, H., 2012. La prévalence de la nosémose dans les colonies d’abeilles apis mellifera intermissa dans la région médio septentrionale de l’Algérie. Lebanese Science Journal, 13 (1) : 65-73 Adjlane N, Doumandji SE, Haddad N, 2012. Situation de l'apiculture en Algérie : facteurs menaçant la survie des colonies d'abeilles locales Apis mellifera intermissa. Cah Agric 21 : 235-41. doi : 10.1684/agr.2012.0566 Adjlane, N., kechih, S., Doumandji, S.E., Haddad, N., 2012. Survey of american foulbrood in apis mellifera intermissa colonies in mid-northern region of algeria Uludag Bee Journal . 12(3): 98-105 98 Adjlane, N., Chahbar, N., Maidi, A., Doumandji, S., & Haddad, N. Note scientifique sur les effets secondaires de l’acide oxalique sur l’abeille ouvrière (Apis mellifera): aspect biochimique (Scientific note on side effects of oxalic acid on the worker bee (Apis mellifera): biochemical aspect). J. Mater. Environ. 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Journal of Apicultural Research 52(4): Adjlane, N., Ameur lain, K., Lecksir, N., Gharabi, N., Haddad, N., detection of paenibacillus larvae spores in honey samples from beekeepers of the central region of algeria. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences 3 (1) 81-83 Adjlane, N., Doumandji, S.E., Haddad, N., 2013 Varroa destructor resistance to fluvalinate in Algeria. T r e n d s i n Entomology, 9 : 35-38 Adjlane, N, Nizar HADDAD, Karima LAID AMEUR, Saida KESRAOUI, Djamila MOUSSAOUI (2014) Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of some Samples of Honey Produced by Beekeepers in Algeria. Acta Technologica Agriculturae 1 : 1-5 ADJLANE , S. KECHIH, N. HADDAD (2014) Recherche de paenibacillus larvae dans differents composants de la ruche. Rev. Microbiol. Ind. San et Environn. Vol 8, N°1, p : 89-98 Adjlane, N. and N. Haddad, 2014. Detection of deformed wing virus in the local bee colonies apis mellifera intermissa in Algeria and its relationship with varroa destructor. Mellifera, 28: 3-10. Haddad, N.J., W. Loucif-Ayad, Adjlane. N, D. Saini and R. Manchiganti et al., 2015. Draft genome sequence of the Algerian bee Apis mellifera intermissa. Genomics Data, 4: 24-25. Nizar Jamal Haddad, Adjlane Noureddine, Banan Al-Shagour, Wahida Loucif-Ayad, Mogbel A. A. El-Niweiri, Eman Anaswah, Wafaa Abu Hammour, Dany El-Obeid, Albaba Imad, Mohamed A. Shebl, Abdulhusien Sehen Almaleky, Abdalah Nasher, Nagara Walid, Mohamed Fouad Bergigui, Orlando Yañez and Joachim R. de Miranda (2015) Distribution and variability of deformed wing virus of honeybees (Apis mellifera) in the Middle East and North Africa. Insect Science DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12277. Haddad Nizar, Al-tellawi Alaa, Adjlane Noureddine, Khoury Fares and Samar Quddoumi Diagnosis of Paenibacillus larvae from Honeybees in Jordan According to Microbiological and Chemicals Techniques. Asian J. Anim. Sci., 2015. DOI: 10.3923/ajas.2015 Adjlane, N. Haddad, S. Doumandji (2015) Détection du virus des ailes déformées dans les colonies d’abeilles locales Apis mellifera intermissa en Algérie. lebanese science journal, vol. 16, no. 1, 2015 Noureddine Adjlane, , Djamila Benaziza, Nizar Haddad. Population dynamic of varroa destructor in the local honey bee apis mellifera intermissa in Algeria. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. Vol.34 A (Zoology),Issue (1-2) 2015:P.25-37 Nizar Haddad, Noureddine Adjlane, Wahida Loucif-Ayad, Mohamed A. Shebl, Muna Saba, Imad Albaba, Dany El-Obeid, Montasir Sabah, Matteo Giusti and Antonio Felicioli; Presence and infestation rate of Senotainia tricuspis (Meigen) (Diptera, Sarcophagidae)on honey bees in the Mediterranean Region; Journal of Apicultural Research, 2015; Noureddine ADJLANE, Benjamin DAINAT, , Laurent GAUTHIER, , Vincent DIETEMANN. (2015) Atypical viral and parasitic pattern in Algerian honey bee subspecies Apis mellifera intermissa and A. m. sahariensis. Apidologie . DOI: 10.1007/s13592-015-0410-x Nizar Haddad, Fares Khoury, Alaa Tellawi & Noureddine Adjlane. Screening the Efficacy of Different Anti-biotic Against American Foulbrood in Jordan. An - Najah Univ. J. Res. (N. Sc.) Vol. 30(2), 2016. Adjlane, N., Tarek, E. O., & Haddad, N. (2016). Evaluation of oxalic acid treatments against the mite Varroa destructor and secondary effects on honey bees Apis mellifera. Journal of arthropod-borne diseases, 10(4), 501. Noureddine Adjlane, El-Ounass Tarek, Nizar Haddad. Effectiveness of treatments with thymol in controlling varroa destructor parasite of the honey bee in algeria. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. Vol.35 A (Zoology),Issue (No.1) 2016:P.1-7 Adjlane, N. Haddad,. Effect of Some Honeybee Diseases on Seasonal Mortality of Apis mellifera intermissa in Algeria Apiaries. Proc Zool Soc DOI 10.1007/s12595-016-0188-5 Haddad, A. Al-Tellawi , N. Adjlane, F. Khoury. Diagnosis of Paenibacillus larvae Honeybees Disease in Jordan Using PCR Techniques J. Mater. Environ. Sci. 7 (12) (2016) 4534-4539 Robert Brodschneider, Alison Gray, Romée van der Zee, Noureddine Adjlane, and al . (2016) Preliminary analysis of loss rates of honey bee colonies during winter 2015/16 from the COLOSS survey, Journal of Apicultural Research, 55:5, 375-378, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2016.1260240 Hu, P., Lu, Z. X., Haddad, N., Adjlane, N. ., Loucif-Ayad, W., Wang, Y. Z., & Niu, H. (2016). Complete mitochondrial genome of the Algerian honeybee, Apis mellifera intermissa (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 27(3), 1791-1792. Noureddine Adjlane, Nizar Haddad (2017) bibliographic review on the most dangerous diseases of the honey bee. Bio-Science Research Bulletin; Vol. 33 No.2, July-December 2017: P.85-99. DOI 10.5958/2320-3161.2017.00011.6 Noureddine ADJLANE, Nizar HADDAD (2017) Evaluation of the resistance of the mite varroa destructor to the amitraz in colonies of honey bees (Apis Mellifera) In Algeria. Uludag Bee Journal May 2017, 17 (1): 1-6 HADDAD, Nizar Jamal, NOUREDDINE, Adjlane, AL