Postdoc position in Animal Ecology “Honey bee and bumble bee ecology

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We offer a Research Scientist (Postdoc) position at the Department for Animal Ecology and
Tropical Biology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Germany for three years with possible
extension for further three years. The position builds upon long-term research activities of the
group on the ecology of honey bees and bumble bees in the context of land use and climate
change and combined risks by pesticides, parasites, and loss of floral resources. The
successful candidate (i) will analyse existing data sets on community dynamics, biotic
interactions, and seasonal timing of social bees and on environmental risk assessment in
honey bees, (ii) will initiate new projects and (iii) contribute to teaching.
The candidate is expected to hold a PhD degree in Ecology or a similar discipline with a
background in bee ecology. Further requirements are a very good knowledge of ecological
statistics (using R) and experimental designs, very good writing and communication skills,
ability to work independently and self-motivated, interest to work in interdisciplinary projects,
and the willingness to teach undergraduate students and to supervise BSc, MSc and PhD
students. Further valued skills are practical experience in beekeeping, DNA-metabarcoding
of pollen samples, bee parasites and pathogens, and GIS/landscape ecology. We offer the
membership in an ambitious research team, modern facilities and an international research

Salary and benefits are according to public service positions in Germany (TVL13, full
position). Female scientists are particularly encouraged to apply. Disabled applicants will be
preferentially considered in case of equivalent qualification.
Planned start date is 1st November 2017.

Please send your application as a single pdf file per-email to ingolf.steffan@uniwuerzburg.
de and latest until 31th August 2017.
Applications should include a cover letter, a short summary of research interests, CV,
complete certificates, and the names (with email addresses) of two potential referees.

For further information, please contact
Prof. Dr. Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology,
Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg, Germany, by Email (see
above), phone: +49 931 3186947 or check the homepage: http://www.zoo3.biozentrum.uniwuerzburg.

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