Date & Time: Mar 20, 2025 13:00 CET
Description: This webinar will cover the biology, distribution, prevention and control options for this exotic mite, Tropilaelaps spp. Experts from across the globe will speak to this pest and be available for a Q&A session of 1 hour at the end of the webinar.
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Author: RobertBrodschneider RB is engaged in research on the honey bee.
His major research interests are: Fundamental research in physiology - metabolism - behavior - nutrition of social insects - the honey bee in particular.
Since 2008 coordinator of the survey of winter losses of honey bee colonies in Austria - research on identification of associated risk factors and on colony dynamics.
Since 2013 executive committee member of COLOSS (
Since 2014 Co-chair of the international Colony losses monitoring group of COLOSS - together with Alison Gray.
Experience in citizen science projects: C.S.I. Pollen - Citizen scientist investigation on pollen diversity forage available to honey bees. An international study coordinated by Sjef van der Steen and Robert Brodschneider.
Member of the Citizen Science Association (
Editor of Bee World (