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First International Training Lab of the European Centers of Vocational Excellence in Apiculture/ 25-29.11.2024

This week, from 25-29 November 2024, the First International Training Lab of the European Centers of Vocational Excellence in Apiculture is being hosted at the University of Federico II in Naples. The program brings together experts, educators, agricultural professionals, and beekeepers from across Europe to explore solutions for the challenges faced by modern beekeeping, with…

Crushing corn pollen grains increased diet digestibility and hemolymph protein content while decreasing honey bee consumption

A honey bee colony’s ability to grow and develop is dependent on adequate nutrition. Bees collect pollen from flowers as a source of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. The crude protein content of corn pollen is considered low, around 15%; however, bees frequently visit the male flowers of the tassels for pollen. In this study,…

Call for Contributions to the Research Topic: Pollen as Food for Bees: Diversity, Nutrition, and Contamination

Dear COLOSS Colleagues: Dr. Simone Tosi of the University of Turin, Dr. Harmen Hendriksma of the Julius Kühn-Institut, and I are co-editing a Research Topic in the journal Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems on the topic: Pollen as Food for Bees: Diversity, Nutrition, and Contamination. This Research Topic was inspired by meetings of the COLOSS…