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Postdoc position at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

A two-year full-time position is available for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher for research on honeybee tolerance and resistance to virus infections. The position will be with the bee research group at the Department of Ecology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden. Duties: The researcher will comprehensively characterize the molecular adaptations…

PhD student position in France: “Honey bee ecology – Identifying early-warning indicators of colony collapse”

Context: Over the past 20 years, the substantial and global decline of bees has been alarming as they provide critical pollination services (Goulson et al. 2015). In particular, the mortality of honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera) has attracted a lot of attention due to its important role for human well-being by producing honey, sustaining populations…

Auburn University Honey Bee Technician

Job Summary: The Auburn University Bee Lab is seeking a highly motivated individual to provide professional research and extension assistance in the area of apiculture (honey bee biology, health, and management). This is a multi-year project; however, contract is for one year with the possibility of annual extensions depending on performance of the successful candidate…

Trainee opportunity in honeybee research at FiBL 2020, Switzerland

Topic Chemical-free treatment against Varroa destructor in honeybees: Field trial of a high-tech, self-learning and comb-integrated thermal treatment – effects on Varroa reproduction and honeybee colony growth dynamics, brood mortality and gene expression profiles Problem Treatments against Varroa destructor, the main parasite of the honeybee, Apis mellifera, generally include chemicals that may cause substantial side-effects…

Modelling honeybees and vitality indicators (Postdoctoral Researcher) The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ Leipzig, Department of Ecological Modelling invites – conditional upon funding by the BLE (Federal Office for Agriculture and Food) – applications for a scientist position (m/f/x) within the project VIBee (Vitality Indicators for honeybees). The aim of VIBee is to develop new indicators of the…

Ontario Beekeepers’ Association (OBA) is seeking a new Technology-Transfer Program Lead, Canada

We are seeking a new Lead Specialist for OBA’s world-class Technology-Transfer Program, as part of a planned transition. Position Highlights: Education Graduate degree or Bachelor of Science, with coursework in apiculture, entomology, biology, and/or agriculture. Experience Three years or more of experience working with honey bees. Experience with project management, applied research in the field…

PhD position “Conservation physiology in wild bees” – INRA Avignon (France)

Most of studies on wild bee decline have focused on species richness and distribution patterns through large (national to continental) scales. However, those patterns (species range contractions and diversity erosion) depict the outcome of extinction processes. Conservation biologists urgently need to identify alternative ecological parameters and measurements that are liable to reveal population trends before…