*SAVE THE DATE* 18th COLOSS Conference, November 2-3
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Abstract Multiple stressors threaten bee health, a major one being pesticides. Bees are simultaneously exposed to multiple pesticides that can cause both lethal and sublethal effects. Risk assessment and most research on bee health, however, focus on lethal individual effects. Here, we performed a systematic literature review and meta-analysis that summarizes and re-interprets the available…
Come join us! We seeking applicants interested in pollination and climate change research to join our team in 2022. Funding is available to support a postdoctoral position in the laboratory of Dr. Shelley Hoover in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lethbridge. The postdoc position is funded for 3 years at $54,000 CDN per…
Bee pollen is a natural cocktail of floral nectar, flower pollen, enzymes, and salivary secretions produced by honeybees. Bee pollen is one of the bee products most enriched in proteins, polysaccharides, polyphenols, lipids, minerals, and vitamins. It has a significant health and medicinal impact and provides protection against many diseases, including diabetes, cancer, infectious, and…
Position Function: The Delta Research and Extension Center, Mississippi State University is seeking a postdoctoral associate to head research projects addressing honey bee viruses and the immune responses of honey bee queens and to support currently funded projects. Position is for two years with possibility of annual extension depending on performance and availability of funds.…
Abstract Varroa mites are highly attracted to drone brood of honey bees (Apis mellifera), as it increases their chance of successful reproduction. Therefore, drone brood removal with trap frames is common practice among beekeepers in Europe and part of sustainable varroa control. However, it is considered labour-intensive, and there are doubts about the effectiveness of…
The *COLOSS Ricola Award 2022* awardees have been announced. Congratulations to the following members! Melanie Parejo (Spain) Sanchai Naree (Thailand) Spyridon Vlogiannitis (Greece) Zheguang Lin (China)
We extended the Abstract submission and the early bird registration deadline for the EurBee9 Congress to 15 July, 2022.
Abstract Beekeepers have various options to control the parasitic mite Varroa destructor in honey bee colonies, but no empirical data are available on the methods they apply in practice. We surveyed 28,409 beekeepers maintaining 507,641 colonies in 30 European countries concerning Varroa control methods. The set of 19 different Varroa diagnosis and control measures was…