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PostDoc (m/f) on assessing the impacts of multiple stressors on health and resilience of bees in Europe

The Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) with its 1,100 employees has gained an excellent reputation as an international competence centre for environmental sciences. We are part of the largest scientific organisation in Germany, the Helmholtz association. Our mission: Our research seeks to find a balance between social development and the long-term protection of our…

PhD position on honey bee health – Nutritional modulation of pesticide effects

UR 406 Abeilles & Environnement, INRA Avignon, France Pollinators face multiple threats including agrochemicals, pathogens, habitat loss and climate change. A major new project PoshBee (Pan-European Assessment, Monitoring and Mitigation of Stressors on the Health of Bees) aims to understand the impacts of these multiple pressures on a range of bee species and develop novel…

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position Available in Honey Bee Husbandry Research

*** UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Gainesville, FL, USA *** 19 March 2018 *** $60,000 – $65,000/year *** College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Department of Entomology and Nematology Charles Steinmetz Hall Bldg. 970, Natural Area Drive PO Box 110620 Gainesville, FL 32611-0620 352-273-3901 352-392-0190 Fax Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate Position Available in Honey Bee Husbandry Research…

Postdoctoral Research Associate Position Available in Honey Bee Molecular Biology/Bioinformatics

*** UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA, Gainesville, FL, USA *** 19 March 2018 *** $48,000 – $50,000/year *** College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Department of Entomology and Nematology Charles Steinmetz Hall Bldg. 970, Natural Area Drive PO Box 110620 Gainesville, FL 32611-0620 352-273-3901 352-392-0190 Fax Position: Postdoctoral Research Associate Position Available in Honey Bee Molecular Biology/Bioinformatics…

Editor, Bee World

Job description Bee World is an international journal which provides the link between science and beekeeping. Established in 1919, Bee World publishes articles on all aspects of beekeeping and all species of bees worldwide. It is published quarterly by the Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the International Bee Research Association. As Editor of Bee World, you will…