14. September 2021

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Register now for the EU Pollinator Week (Sep 27-30)

The EU Pollinator Week is an event bringing together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders. This year’s theme is “A New Deal for Pollinators”, emphasising the current status and future opportunities to secure the fundamental role of pollinators. The event will be held online, and registration is now open. Browse the schedule and register for the sessions…

Resistance and Vulnerability of Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Gut Bacteria to Commonly Used Pesticides

Agricultural and apicultural practices expose honeybees to a range of pesticides that have the potential to negatively affect their physiology, neurobiology, and behavior. Accumulating evidence suggests that these effects extend to the honeybee gut microbiome, which serves important functions for honeybee health. Here we test the potential effects of the pesticides thiacloprid, acetamiprid, and oxalic…