W3-Professorship in Animal Ecology

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The Faculty of Natural Sciences I – Life Sciences at the Martin Luther University (MLU) Halle-Wittenberg invites applications for the following appointment, available from 01.04.2019, at the level of full professor in the Institute of Biology, Division of Zoology:

W3-Professorship in Animal Ecology

We seek to appoint an outstanding, internationally recognized scientist with a focus on animal molecular ecology. The successful candidate should have a proven track record in using state-of-the art molecular genetic techniques to investigate animal adaptation to the environment. A research topic on insects would be desirable. The holder of the position is expected to initiate new and to participate in existing collaborative research initiatives across the larger MLU Weinberg Research Campus and to strengthen the research areas at the German Center for Integrative Research on Biodiversity (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig.

The candidate will have extensive experience both in conducting independent scientific research and in undergraduate and graduate education. Courses to be taught include all aspects of animal ecology in the field of zoology. Active participation in academic and administrative duties within the University is expected, as highlighted in the University statutes of Saxony-Anhalt (§ 34 HSG-LSA).

The Martin Luther University is strongly committed to equal opportunity in its appointments’ policy. Moreover, the MLU Halle-Wittenberg offers excellent facilities to support staff and students with their work/ life balance.

The Martin Luther University strives to increase the number of women in academic research and therefore encourages qualified women scientists to apply. Candidates with a disability are encouraged to apply for the position and will be favorably considered upon equal eligibility.

Requirements for application include a proven track-record in internationally recognized research, documented by a publication record as independent researcher after attaining their PhD, PhD student supervision, and appropriate teaching experience. Success in the acquisition of third-party funding is expected.

Applications, which should include the usual documentation (i.e. a complete list of publications and academic teaching activities, evidence of successful acquisition of thirdparty funding, and copies of certificates of the highest academic degree obtained), should be sent in hard-copy or in pdf-format via email (dekanat@natfak1.uni-halle.de), and no later than 6 weeks after the publication of this advertisement, to:

Prof. Dr. Dietrich H. Nies
Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences I – Life Sciences
Wolfgang-Langenbeck-Str. 4
06099 Halle/Saale

The salary and benefits will be commensurate with the qualifications of the successful candidate and will be defined by the legal and budgetary constraints of the MLU HalleWittenberg and the State of Saxony-Anhalt. Unfortunately, travel and subsistence costs associated with this application cannot be reimbursed.

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