Author: RaffaeleDallOlio
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Raffaele_DallOlioBee-scientist - beekeeper and animal biologist with a master's degree in honeybee pathogens diagnostic - skilled in artificial insemination of honeybee queens. More than 10 year of experience in honeybee research and teaching focusing on genetic conservation of honeybee races - detection of pathogens and viruses - improving quality of beekeeping products. Member of the international research networks COLOSS (on Colony Losses - from 2017 sit the Executive Commitee) and RNSBB (about Sustainable Bee Breeding) - also member of Apimondia WG7 focusing on Honey Bee Queen. Commercial experience with 150 hives in Tuscany - Italy and queen-rearing experience and manuka honey in New Zealand (size 8000hives). As an internationally sought out speaker including the European Conference of Apidology - Raffaele has more than 10 years experience as a teacher and professional honey taster and panel leader for the Italian National Register of Professional Honey Taster since 2005 and in several Honey Contests. Also has written for national beekeeping magazines in Italy such as L'apicoltore italiano - Lapis and APOidea - and several peer reviewed papers.