The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating in most of the countries creating a state of international alert. After a year of COVID-19 emergence, while some COVID-19 vaccines are currently being produced and available, new concerns regarding their safety and efficacy are coming up particularly with the emergence of mutated strains of SARS-CoV-2 virus. Here, we propose an alternative, inexpensive and natural approach that could attenuate or/and eliminate the respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 by inhalation of body temperature aerosolized-honey and propolis tincture particularly in developing countries. Vapor inhalation of this mixture might also fight the virus, modulate the immune system, and attenuate the exaggerated inflammatory response of COVID-19 before, during or after it occurs. This strategy could also be important as a home remedy and for healthcare employees since they need to take preventative measures at any time.
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Author: YahyaAlNaggar Yahya Al Naggar, Associate professor of Entomology at Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Tanta University, Egypt. Currently, he is AvH postdoc fellow at institute of General Biology, Martin Luther University. He is interested to unravel the causes of colony collapse disorders (CCD). He is conducting lab and field experiments to test whether novel insecticides that are targeting the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor of insects is also harmful to honeybees as well as in their interaction with other stressors. Such knowledge is key for pollinator health and key to safeguard food security into the future.