This mini-review aims at raising the interest in contractile phage tail-like particles (CPTPs) of bacteria as an efficient and pest-specific alternative to conventional chemical pesticides in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. CPTPs are used by various bacteria in diverse environments for interbacterial competition or for manipulation of eukaryotic hosts, such as fungi or insects. This review gives examples for the versatile use of CPTPs as powerful biological control agents. We introduce the different types of CPTPs with a special focus on those with activity against insect plant pests. In addition, we present two currently established web services that combine the permanently increasing knowledge on CPTPs with a selection approach of the best candidate bacteria for targeted CPTP application in sustainable plant production.
Becker Y, Patz S, Werner S, Hoppe B, Feltgen S, Berger B, Schikora A, Glenz R, König S, Erler S, Schrader G, Huson D, Becker M (2022) Bacteria producing contractile phage tail-like particles (CPTPs) are promising alternatives to conventional pesticides. Journal of Cultivated Plants, 74(03-04): 85-93. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2022.03-04.06