May 2020

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Boost for funding for honey bee health

The Executive Committee of COLOSS are pleased to announce that they have signed an agreement with the Ricola Foundation, Science and Nature, for substantial additional funding for an initial three year period, with a clear perspective for sustainable support. This additional funding will be used in three main areas to improve the effectiveness of the…


The impacts of COVID-19 on human society are far-reaching. To estimate for the first time its impact on the bee research and education community, the Executive Committee of COLOSS (prevention of honey bee COlony LOSSes) developed an internet-based survey that was disseminated through COLOSS members to relevant stakeholders. The preliminary results, published as a contribution…

Mode of Transmission Determines the Virulence of Black Queen Cell

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) can be infected by many viruses, some of which pose a major threat to their health and well-being. A critical step in the dynamics of a viral infection is its mode of transmission. Here, we compared for the first time the effect of mode of horizontal transmission of Black queen cell virus (BQCV),…