This live-streamed conference, “Bees without Borders,” explores the topic of honey bee colonies living on their own, based on the research and experience in francophone countries. The conference will be in French with simultaneous translations into English and German.
“Bees Without Borders” takes place on 21 November 2020 (9–16h CET) and is organized by FREETHEBEES in cooperation with the Natural Beekeeping Trust and Honey Bee Wild.
The program features:
9-10h Prof. Dr. Hugo Bucher
10–11h Dr. Laurent Larrieu
11–12h Fabrice Requier
12–13h Break
13–14h Vincent Albouy
14–15h Dr. Yves Le Conte
15–16h Vincent Canova
A ticket for the online conference costs 25€. Partial proceeds will support grassroots activism in the conservation and safeguarding of honey bees. Further information can be found here: