Open call for COLOSS “Ricola” Award for excellence Year 2023

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The aim of this award is to support the activities of COLOSS members, especially those from developing countries or early-career scientists, whose proposals fit within our mission: to improve the well-being of bees at a global level.

The total amount available for this call is 20000. – CHF and up to 4 proposals can be awarded within the total budget; the winners can use the award to cover full or partial costs of:

  • 1. Open access publications
  • 2. Travel funds (i.e. participation at scientific events, STMSs, training course)
  • 3.  Scientific equipment including IT software, consumables, and related scientific services, relevant for the proposed research.

Award Guidelines.

  1. This is an individual award: accordingly, only individually submitted proposals will be considered.
  2. Active COLOSS members for at least one year, from developing countries or early-career scientists (BSc, MSc and PhD students, postdocs <5 years) will be the focus; an appropriate gender balance will be pursued during evaluation.
  3. Preference will be given to applications, which are associated with the activity of at least one COLOSS Core Project or Task Force, and whose outcomes can potentially benefit the COLOSS community.
  4. Preference will be given to proposals addressing issues of at least regional or ideally global importance.
  5. The candidates will submit a one page proposal with a budget plan and tentative activity plan.
  6. The candidates will submit evidence for the excellence of their prior scientific activity (2 page CV) as a single pdf.
  7. The candidate will submit two support letters from supervisors, directors or other colleagues familiar with the applicant’s achievements, who will also declare that they will supervise the proper use of funding. If the applicants are BSc, MSc or PhD students, one of those supporting letters should be from the direct supervisor. If the award is intended to cover travel expenses, invitation letters from the organizers/hosts are required.
  8. Individuals cannot be considered if they have already received a COLOSS “Ricola” Award for excellence within the last two years.
  9. Preference will be given to applicants that do not receive funding for the same project from elsewhere, declaring this in the end of the proposal text.
  10. Successful candidates will need to deliver: 1. a one page report explaining in detail the achievements of the proposed study or activity with particular relevance to COLOSS activities; 2. proof of spending the money for the purpose outlined in the proposal; 3. YouTube video and a presentation to be given at the next COLOSS conference.
  11. In case that the candidates will not deliver on time the required in the paragraph 10, COLOSS reserves the right to cancel the award and get the money back.

Required Documentation

All applications must include the following documentation, in English:

  1. Applicant’s full CV including, name, education, affiliation, title, address, phone number, and email.(this information should be entered into the application form).
  2. A one page proposal outline addressing the following areas:
  3. Description of the project aims, the significance for honey bee wellbeing and COLOSS.
  4. Significance of the anticipated funding for the applicant’s future career and beyond.
  5. If the funding is intended to cover travel, acceptance letters and abstracts must be included from the anticipated host(s) as appendices.
  6. Budget request should include a justification for the costs and a tentative time frame for spending the money: the evaluating commission might consider split payments.

**Incomplete or incorrect applications will not be considered**

Application period: 5th March – 20th April, 2023

Assessment: 1-2 months

Announcement of the winners on June 15th, 2023

Applications should be sent to:

Download Application Form